Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 9
Japanese Phrases for Beginners
Kanji | Hiragana/ Katakana | Meaning |
夕刊 | ゆうかん | evening paper |
夕日 | ゆうひ | (in) the evening sun, setting sun |
夕立 | ゆうだち | (sudden) evening shower (rain) |
外れる | はずれる | to be disconnected, to get out of place, to be off, to be out (e.g. of gear) |
外科 | げか | surgical department |
外部 | がいぶ | the outside, external |
夜行 | やこう | walking around at night, night train, night travel |
夜間 | やかん | at night, nighttime |
大して | たいして | (not so) much, (not) very |
大凡 | おおよそ | about, roughly, as a rule, approximately |
大分 | だいぶん | considerably, greatly, a lot |
大学院 | だいがくいん | graduate school |
大小 | だいしょう | size |
大層 | たいそう | very much, exaggerated, very fine |
大工 | だいく | carpenter |
大木 | たいぼく | large tree |
大通り | おおどおり | main street |
天皇 | てんのう | Emperor of Japan |
太鼓 | たいこ | drum, tambourine |
夫妻 | ふさい | man and wife, married couple |
失恋 | しつれん | disappointed love, broken heart, unrequited love, be lovelorn |
女の人 | おんなのひと | woman |
女房 | にょうぼう | wife |
好き好き | すきずき | matter of taste |
好き嫌い | すききらい | likes and dislikes, taste |
妥当 | だとう | valid, proper, right, appropriate |
妨げる | さまたげる | to disturb, to prevent |
始めに | はじめに | to begin with, first of all |
始終 | しじゅう | continuously, from beginning to end |
姓 | せい | surname, family name |
姪 | めい | niece |
姿勢 | しせい | attitude, posture |
威張る | いばる | to be proud, to swagger |
娯楽 | ごらく | pleasure, amusement |
嫌がる | いやがる | to hate, to dislike |
子孫 | しそん | descendants, posterity, offspring |
存じる | ぞんじる | (hum) to know |
存ずる | ぞんずる | to think, feel, consider, know |
孝行 | こうこう | filial piety |
学会 | がっかい | scientific society, academic meeting |
学力 | がくりょく | scholarship, knowledge, literary ability |
学年 | がくねん | year in school, grade in school |
学科 | がっか | study subject, course of study |
学級 | がっきゅう | grade in school |
学術 | がくじゅつ | science, learning, scholarship |
学部 | がくぶ | department of a university, undergraduate |
安易 | あんい | easy-going |
官庁 | かんちょう | government office, authorities |
定休日 | ていきゅうび | regular holiday |
定価 | ていか | established price |
定員 | ていいん | fixed number of regular personnel, capacity (of boat, etc.) |
定期券 | ていきけん | commuter pass, season ticket |
定規 | じょうぎ | (measuring) ruler |
宛名 | あてな | address, direction |
実る | みのる | to bear fruit, to ripen |
実例 | じつれい | example, illustration |
実力 | じつりょく | merit, efficiency, arms, force |
実感 | じっかん | feelings (actual, true) |
実物 | じつぶつ | real thing, original |
実用 | じつよう | practical use, utility |
実績 | じっせき | achievements, actual results |
実習 | じっしゅう | practice, training |
客席 | きゃくせき | guest seating |
客間 | きゃくま | parlor, guest room |
宣伝 | せんでん | propaganda, publicity |
宴会 | えんかい | party, banquet |
家主 | やぬし | landlord |
家屋 | かおく | house, building |
容器 | ようき | container, vessel |
容積 | ようせき | capacity, volume |
寄せる | よせる | to collect, to gather, to add, to put aside |
寒帯 | かんたい | frigid zone |
寝台 | しんだい | bed, couch |
寝巻 | ねまき | sleep-wear, nightclothes, pyjamas, nightgown, nightdress |
寝間着 | ねまき | sleep-wear, nightclothes, pyjamas, nightgown, nightdress |
寮 | りょう | hostel, dormitory |
寸法 | すんぽう | measurement, size, dimension |
寺院 | じいん | temple |
対照 | たいしょう | contrast, antithesis, comparison |
対策 | たいさく | counter-plan, counter-measure |
寿命 | じゅみょう | life span |
専制 | せんせい | despotism, autocracy |
射す | さす | to shine, to strike |
将棋 | しょうぎ | Japanese chess |
小便 | しょうべん | (col) urine, piss |
小学生 | しょうがくせい | grade school student |
小指 | こゆび | little finger |
小数 | しょうすう | fraction (part of), decimal |
小父さん | おじさん | middle-aged gentleman, uncle |
小遣い | こづかい | personal expenses, pocket money, allowance |
尖る | とがる | to taper to a point, to become sharp, to be sour, to look displeased |
就任 | しゅうにん | inauguration, assumption of office |
屋外 | おくがい | outdoors |
屑 | くず | waste, scrap |
展開 | てんかい | develop, expansion (opposite of compression) |
属する | ぞくする | to belong to, to come under, to be affiliated with, to be subject to |
山林 | さんりん | mountain forest, mountains and forest |
峠 | とうげ | ridge, (mountain) pass, difficult part |
崩す | くずす | to destroy, to pull down, to make change (money) |
崩れる | くずれる | to collapse, to crumble |
巡る | めぐる | to go around |
巡査 | じゅんさ | police, policeman |
工事 | こうじ | construction work |
工員 | こういん | factory worker |
工夫 | くふう | labourer, worker |
工芸 | こうげい | industrial arts |
差し引き | さしひき | deduction, subtraction, balance, ebb and flow, rise and fall |
差し支え | さしつかえ | hindrance, impediment |
巻く | まく | to wind, to coil, to roll |
帰す | かえす | to send back |
干す | ほす | to air, to dry, to desiccate, to drain (off), to drink up |
平凡 | へいぼん | common, commonplace, ordinary, mediocre |
平日 | へいじつ | weekday, ordinary days |
平気 | へいき | coolness, calmness, composure, unconcern |
平野 | へいや | plain, open field |
年度 | ねんど | year, fiscal year, school year, term |
幼児 | ようじ | infant, baby, child |
幼稚 | ようち | infancy, childish, infantile |
幼稚園 | ようちえん | kindergarten |
幾分 | いくぶん | somewhat |
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