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Minna No Nihongo Lesson 1 Grammar

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 1 Grammar

1. Nは N2 です。

1) Particle は

The particle は indicates that the words before it is the topic of the sentence. You select a noun you want to talk about, add は to show that it is the topic and give a statement about the topic.

わたしは マイク・ミラーです。

I am Mike Miller

[Note] The particle は is read わ.

2) です

Nouns used with です work as predicates.

  • です indicates judgement or assertion.
  • です also conveys that the speaker is being polite towards the listener.
  • です inflects when the sentence is negative (see 2. below) or in the past tense (see Lesson 2)

わたしは エンジニアです。

I am engineer.

2. N1 は N2  じゃ ありません

じゃ ありません is the negative form of です. It is the form used in daily conversation. For a formal speech or writting, では ありません is used instead.

サントスさんは 学生 ( がくせい)じゃ ありません。

Mr.Santos is not a student.

[Note] は in では is read わ.

3. S か

1) Particle か

The particle か is used o express the speaker’s doubt, question, uncertainty, etc. A question is formed by simply adding か to the end of the sentence. A question ends with a rising intonation.

2) Questions asking whether a statement is correct or not

As mentioned above, a sentence becomes a question when か is added to the end. The word order does not change. The question thus made asks whether a statement is correct or not. Depending on whether you agree with the statement or not, your answer to such a question begins with はい or いいえ.

ミラーさんは アメリカ陣ですか。

Is Mr.Miller an American?


… Yes, he is.

ミラーさんは 先生 (せんせい) ですか。

Is Mr. Miller a teacher?

…いいえ、先生じゃ ありません。

… No, he is not.

3) Question with interrogatives

An interrogative replaces the part of the sentence that covers what you want to ask about. The word order does not change, and か is added at the end.

あの方 (かた)は どなたですか。

Who is that man?

… [あの 方は] ミラーさんです。

… That’s Mr.Miller.

4. N も

も is added after a topic instead of は when the statement about the topic is the same as the previous topic.

ミラーさんは 会社員 (かいしゃいん)です。

Mr.Miller is a company employee.

グプタさんも 会社員です。

Mr.Gupta is also a company employee.

 5. N1 の N2

の is used to connect two nouns. Nmodifies N. In Lesson 1, N1 is an organization or some kind of group to which N2 belongs.

ミラーさんは IMC の 社員です。

Mr.Miller is an IMC employee.

6. ~さん

さん is added to the name of the listener or a third person to show the speaker’s respect to the person. It should never be used with the speaker’s own name.

あの方は ミラーさんです。

That’s Mr.Miller.

When referring directly to the listener’s name. The listener’s family name followed by さん is usually used.

鈴木 ( すずき): ミラーさんは 学生 (がくせい) ですか。

Suzuki             :      Are you a student?

ミラー     :      いいえ、会社員 (かいしゃいんです。

Miller            :       No, I’m a company employee.

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