Learn JLPT N3 Grammar: まるで (maru de)
Meaning: as if; as though; just like ~
How to use:
まるで + Verb (casual form) + よう
まるで + Noun + のよう
Example sentences:
1. まるで彼がかたわらにいて話しかけてくるようでした。
marude kare ga katawara ni ite hanashikakete kuru you deshita.
It seemed as if he were there beside me, speaking to me.
2. まるで新しい惑星を発見した天文学者のような気持だった。
marude atarashii wakusei o hakken shita tenbungakusha no you na kimochi datta.
I felt much as an astronomer feels who has discovered a new planet.
3. あの女の人は、美しくて、優しくて、まるで天使のようだ。
ano onna no hito wa, utsukushikute, yasashikute, marude tenshi no you da.
That lady is beautiful and kind like an angel.
4. あの二人はまるで兄弟のようによく似ている。
ano futari wa marude kyoudai no youni yoku niteiru.
Those two look so much alike that they could be twins.