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Japanese Lesson 40 Vocabulary

Japanese Lesson 40 Vocabulary
Learn Basic Japanese. Basic Japanese Vocabulary

せわ (世話)- care
つたえる (伝える)- to report, to tell
つれていく (連れて行く)- to take along
ていねい- polite
とりかえる (取りかえる)- to exchange, to replace
りょう (寮)- dormitory, hall, residence
りょうほう (両方)- both
とくべつ (特別)- special
じょうし (上司)- boss, line manager
かわり (代わり)- a substitute
おおや (大家)- landlord
きちんと- properly
かう (飼う)- have (a pet)
とめる (泊める)- to lodge, to accommodate
うえる (植える)- to plant
ゆるす (許す)- to allow, forgive
きょか (許可)- permission
おたく (お宅)- your/someone’s house