Japanese Lesson 18 Vocabulary
Learn Basic Japanese. Basic Japanese Vocabulary
ひっこす (引っ越す)- to move house
ぬる (塗る)- to paint
かべ (壁)- wall
はずかしい- embarrassing
しまう- to put away, store
スピーチ- speech
ふく (拭く)- to wipe
にる (似る)- to look alike
にほんりょうり (日本料理)- Japanese cuisine
おどる (踊る)- to dance
かたづける (片づける)- to tidy up
ぬぐ (脱ぐ)- to take off (clothes, shoes etc.)
うわぎ (上着)- jacket
かぶる- to put on (something over your head)
たのしむ (楽しむ)- to enjoy
そと (外)- outside
しんぱい (心配)- worrying
おれい (お礼)- gratitude, thanks
さく (咲く)- to bloom
はんたい (反対)- opposite