Homophones in Japanese: Same sound, different writing and meaning
1. Ryoushi
What makes these two words different is the first kanji character for fisherman and hunter. 漁 means “to fish,” and 猟 means “to hunt.” The second kanji character 師 is the same for both words and means master, mentor, or teacher.
漁師 – Fisherman
Roushi wa mainichi fune ni noranai to ikenai.
Fishermen must go on a boat every day.
猟師 – Hunter
Mori ni ryoushi ga ita.
There was a hunter in the forest.
2. Kaishin
With the two ways of writing kaishin, there are incredibly different meanings. The first one, which means satisfaction, uses the kanji “to meet” and “heart.” The second uses the kanji for “revision” and “heart.”
会心 – Satisfaction
Gakkou de deatta tomodachi wa kaishin no tomo.
The friends I got to know at school are satisfying friendships.
改心 – Change of heart
Kotoshi wa kaishin shite nihongo no benkyou o suru.
This year I will have a change of heart(reform my study habits) and study Japanese.
3. Kagaku
A very confusing homophone is these two words for kagaku. Both appear in scientific contexts, but 科学 means science and 化学 mean chemistry.
科学 – Science
Kagaku ni kyoumi ga aru.
I have an interest in science.
化学 – Chemistry
Kagaku hannou o kenkyuu shite iru.
I am studying chemical reactions.
4. Taishou
This homophone can be three very different things. The first is to be a “subject of,” the second is to “contrast/compare,” and the third can mean “symmetry.”
対象 – the subject of (something)
Daitouryou wa hihan no taishou ni natte shimatta.
The president became the subject of criticism.
対照 – contrast or compare
Futatsu no aji o taishou suru.
I compare the two flavors.
対称 – symmetry
Kono tatemono wa taishou teki desu.
This building is symmetrical.
5. Seikaku
The two words for seikaku are common words that you’ll hear in everyday Japanese. Study the kanji to know which one to use when writing.
性格 – personality
Kare wa seikaku ga warui.
He has a bad personality.
正確 – accurate
Seikaku na jikan ga shiritai.
I want to know the precise time.
6. Kousei
“Kousei” can have many ways of writing that all mean different things! The example sentences should help you to understand how to use each one.
校正 – proofread
Kono hon wa kousei no machigae ga takusan aru.
This book has many proofreading mistakes.
公正 – justice
Kousei na saiban ga okonawareru koto o negatte imasu.
I hope that the trial will be held judiciously.
構成 – organization
Sakubun o kaku toki ni wa bun no kousei o yoku kangaeta hou ga ii.
When you write an essay, you should think about the organization of your writing.
厚生 – public benefit
Kono machi ni wa takusan no kousei shisetsu ga arimasu.
This town has many public benefit facilities.
攻勢 – aggression/offensive
Kare wa chesu ga tsuyoinode itsumo kousei ni deteiru.
He is good at chess, so he is always on the offensive.
更生 – reform (person)
Kare wa arukooru chuudoku datta ga jiriki de kousei shita.
He had an alcohol addiction, but he overcame it by himself.
7. Kaitou
These Japanese homophones have two similar meanings but apply to different contexts. The first is more of an answer/reply to questions like a survey, and the second is an answer for problems you solve, like in a test.
回答 – an answer that is a reply
Gokaitou arigatougozaimasu.
Thank you for your reply(answer).
解答 – an answer to a problem you solve
Tesuto no kaitou ga mitai desu.
I want to see the test answers.
8. Kaihou
Like some other homophones, kaihou has similar meanings but should be written differently depending on the context. Both mean something is opening or let out.
解放 – set free, emancipation
Hitojichi o kaihou shimashita.
The hostages were set free.
開放 – open up (to the public)
Atarashii shisetsu ga kaihou suru.
The new facility will open up to the public.
9. Au
Au has two kanji that look very similar! However, these Japanese homophones have very different meanings.
会う – to meet
Tomodachi ni ai ni ikimasu.
I will go meet my friend.
合う – to fit
Sono youfuku ga totemo niau.
Those clothes suit you well.
10. Hakaru
The primary definition you’ll find with hakaru is “to measure.” However, it’s essential to differentiate between measuring weight, dimensions, or time in Japanese. An additional meaning to hakaru is “to devise” or “to plan,” which also uses its unique kanji character.
図る – to plan/devise
Jiken no kaiketsu o hakaru.
We are devising the solution to the case.
量る – to measure weight
Taijuu o hakaru
I measure my weight.
測る – to measure length, width, depth, or area
Teeburu no nagasa o hakaru.
I measure the length of the table.
計る – to measure time
Jikan o hakaru.
I measure the time.
11. Yoi
These two kanji both mean“good.” However, because 好い is made up of the kanji characters for “woman,” 女, and “child,” 子, there is a warmer tone. In comparison, 良い is the standard way of saying “good.”
良い – good
Hyouban ga yoi.
The reputation is good.
好い – good (warm nuance)
Tenki ga yoi.
The weather is good.
12. Tsukuru
The three versions of “tsukuru” mean “to make” but have different usages. 作る means to make something from small or shapeless objects like a seed growing into a vegetable. 造る applies to creating something that is physically big, like a building. The third one, 創る, is when you’re making something significant like the “future,” “artwork,” or “a better tomorrow.”
作る – make (from small or shapeless object)
Yasai o tsukuru no ga suki desu.
I like to grow (make) vegetables.
造る – make (something big)
Jibun de teien o tsukuritai desu.
I want to make a garden by myself.
創る – make (from nothing, meaningful)
Subarashii geijutsu o tsukuritai desu.
I want to make beautiful art.
13. Susumeru
Susumeru can have many meanings, from moving forward to recommending and persuading. The best way to learn them is by looking at the examples!
進める – to move forward, progress
Purojekuto no keikaku o susumeru.
The project plan is moving forward.
勧める – to recommend an action
Ano resutoran de taberu no o susumeru.
I recommend eating at that restaurant.
薦める – to recommend a person or object to someone
Yamada san o kaichou ni susumeru.
I recommend Mr. Yamada as the chairperson.
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Common Japanese Homophones