Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 10
Japanese Phrases for Beginners
Kanji | Hiragana/ Katakana | Meaning |
広々 | ひろびろ | extensive, spacious |
広げる | ひろげる | to spread, to extend, to expand, to enlarge |
広さ | ひろさ | extent |
広める | ひろめる | to broaden, to propagate |
広場 | ひろば | plaza |
床の間 | とこのま | alcove |
床屋 | とこや | barber |
庖丁 | ほうちょう | kitchen knife, carving knife |
店屋 | みせや | store, shop |
座布団 | ざぶとん | cushion (Japanese) |
座敷 | ざしき | tatami room |
延ばす | のばす | to lengthen, to stretch, to reach out, to grow (beard) |
延びる | のびる | to be prolonged |
延長 | えんちょう | extension, elongation, prolongation, lengthening |
建つ | たつ | to erect, to be erected, to be built |
引き止める | ひきとめる | to detain, to check, to restrain |
引っ掛かる | ひっかかる | to be caught in, to be stuck in, to be cheated |
引っ繰り返す | ひっくりかえす | to turn over, to overturn, to knock over, to upset, to turn inside out |
引っ繰り返る | ひっくりかえる | to be overturned, to be upset, to topple over, to be reversed |
引っ込む | ひっこむ | to draw back, to sink, to cave in |
引出す | ひきだす | to pull out, to take out, to draw out, to withdraw |
引分け | ひきわけ | a draw (in competition), tie game |
引力 | いんりょく | gravity |
引受る | ひきうける | to undertake, to take up, to take over |
引算 | ひきざん | subtraction |
引越し | ひっこし | moving (dwelling etc.), changing residence |
引返す | ひきかえす | to repeat, to send back, to bring back |
弱点 | じゃくてん | weak point, weakness |
張り切る | はりきる | to be in high spirits, to be full of vigor |
強化 | きょうか | strengthen, intensify, reinforce, solidify |
強引 | ごういん | overbearing, coercive, pushy, forcible, high-handed |
強気 | つよき | firm, strong |
当日 | とうじつ | appointed day, very day |
当番 | とうばん | being on duty |
形容動詞 | けいようどうし | adjectival noun, quasi-adjective |
形容詞 | けいようし | true adjective |
形式 | けいしき | form, formality, format, math expression |
彫る | ほる | to carve, to engrave, to sculpture, to chisel |
彫刻 | ちょうこく | carving, engraving, sculpture |
役人 | やくにん | government official |
役所 | やくしょ | government office, public office |
役目 | やくめ | duty, business |
役者 | やくしゃ | actor, actress |
往復 | おうふく | (col) round trip, coming and going, return ticket |
待ち合わせる | まちあわせる | to rendezvous, to meet at a prearranged place and time |
待合室 | まちあいしつ | waiting room |
後輩 | こうはい | junior (at work or school) |
従姉妹 | いとこ | cousin (female) |
御中 | おんちゅう | and Company, Messrs |
御免 | ごめん | your pardon, declining (something), dismissal, permission |
御手洗 | おてあらい | font of purifying water placed at entrance of shrine |
御無沙汰 | ごぶさた | not writing or contacting for a while |
御覧 | ごらん | (hon) look, inspection, try |
御辞儀 | おじぎ | bow |
御馳走 | ごちそう | feast, treating (someone) |
循環 | じゅんかん | circulation, rotation, cycle |
心当たり | こころあたり | having some knowledge of, happening to know |
心得る | こころえる | to be informed, to have thorough knowledge |
心身 | しんしん | mind and body |
必需品 | ひつじゅひん | necessities, necessary article, requisite, essential |
応ずる | おうずる | to answer, to respond, to meet, to satisfy, to accept |
応対 | おうたい | receiving, dealing with |
応接 | おうせつ | reception |
応援 | おうえん | aid, assistance, help, reinforcement |
応用 | おうよう | application, put to practical use |
快晴 | かいせい | good weather |
思いっ切り | おもいっきり | resolution; decisiveness; determination |
思い付く | おもいつく | to think of, to hit upon |
思い掛けない | おもいがけない | unexpected, casual |
思い込む | おもいこむ | to be under impression that, to be convinced that |
怠る | おこたる | to neglect, to be off guard, to be feeling better |
性別 | せいべつ | distinction by s e x; gender |
性能 | せいのう | ability, efficiency |
性質 | せいしつ | nature, property, disposition |
怪しい | あやしい | suspicious, dubious, doubtful |
恋しい | こいしい | (1) dear, beloved, darling, (2) yearned for |
恐縮 | きょうしゅく | shame, very kind of you, sorry to trouble |
恨み | うらみ | resentment |
恨む | うらむ | to curse, to feel bitter |
恩恵 | おんけい | grace, favor, blessing, benefit |
恵まれる | めぐまれる | to be blessed with, to be rich in |
悔しい | くやしい | regrettable, mortifying, vexing |
悔やむ | くやむ | to mourn |
悠々 | ゆうゆう | quiet, calm, leisurely |
惜しい | おしい | regrettable, disappointing, precious |
意地悪 | いじわる | malicious, ill-tempered, unkind |
意義 | いぎ | meaning, significance |
感ずる | かんずる | to feel, to sense |
感想 | かんそう | impressions, thoughts |
感激 | かんげき | deep emotion, impression, inspiration |
慰める | なぐさめる | to comfort, to console |
慶び | よろこび | joy |
慶ぶ | よろこぶ | joy |
憎い | にくい | hateful, abominable, poor-looking, detestable |
憎む | にくむ | to hate, to detest |
憎らしい | にくらしい | odious, hateful |
憧れる | あこがれる | to long for, to yearn after, to admire |
懐かしい | なつかしい | dear, desired, missed |
成分 | せいぶん | ingredient, component, composition |
成立 | せいりつ | coming into existence, arrangements, establishment, completion |
戸棚 | とだな | cupboard, locker, closet, wardrobe |
所々 | ところどころ | here and there, some parts (of something) |
扇ぐ | あおぐ | to fan, to flap |
扇子 | せんす | folding fan |
扇風機 | せんぷうき | electric fan |
手入れ | ていれ | repairs, maintenance |
手前 | てまえ | before, this side, we, you |
手帳 | てちょう | notebook |
手拭い | てぬぐい | (hand) towel |
手洗い | てあらい | restroom, lavatory, hand-washing |
手続き | てつづき | procedure, (legal) process, formalities |
手頃 | てごろ | moderate, handy |
手首 | てくび | wrist |
打ち消す | うちけす | to deny, to negate, to contradict |
打合せ | うちあわせ | business meeting, previous arrangement, appointment |
払い戻す | はらいもどす | to repay, to pay back |
払い込む | はらいこむ | to deposit, to pay in |
承る | うけたまわる | (hum) to hear, to be told, to know |
投書 | とうしょ | letter to the editor, letter from a reader, contribution |
折角 | せっかく | with trouble, at great pains, long-awaited |
押える | おさえる | to stop, to restrain, to seize, to repress, to suppress, to press down |
抽象 | ちゅうしょう | abstract |
担ぐ | かつぐ | to shoulder, to carry on shoulder |
拝む | おがむ | to worship, to beg, to make a supplication |
拝見 | はいけん | (hum) (pol) seeing, look at |
拡充 | かくじゅう | expansion |
拡張 | かくちょう | expansion, extension, enlargement, escape (ESC) |
括弧 | かっこ | parenthesis, brackets |
拭く | ふく | to wipe, to dry |
持参 | じさん | bringing, taking, carrying |
指定 | してい | designation, specification, assignment, pointing at |
挙げる | あげる | to raise, to fly |
挟まる | はさまる | to get between, to be caught in |
挟む | はさむ | to interpose, to hold between, to insert |
振り仮名 | ふりがな | pronunciation key |
振舞う | ふるまう | to behave, to conduct oneself, to entertain (vt) |
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