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Japanese Lesson 41 Vocabulary

Japanese Lesson 41 Vocabulary
Learn Basic Japanese. Basic Japanese Vocabulary

こしょうする (故障する)- to break-down
けが (怪我)- injury
じょうきゃく (乗客)- passenger
せんろ (線路)- rail tracks
ぶじ (無事)- be safe
たからくじ (宝くじ)- lottery
まさか- no way!
ほうこう (方向)- direction
ほうほう (方法)- method
まわり (周り)- surroundings
あずかる (預かる)- to keep safe
ひかくてき (比較的)- relatively
いちおう (一応)- at any rate, supposedly
せりふ (台詞)- spoken lines
ひっかかる (引っかかる)- get caught in something
ほね (骨)- bone
いったい (一体)- on earth (emphasis, e.g what on earth?)
いのる (祈る)- to pray