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Japanese Lesson 14 Vocabulary

Japanese Lesson 14 Vocabulary
Learn Basic Japanese. Basic Japanese Vocabulary

ほか (他)- other
ふつう (普通)- normal
あいて (相手)- partner, the other person
あわてる- to get confused, to panic
よっぱらう (酔っぱらう)- to get drunk
わすれもの (忘れ物)- lost property
おちこむ (落ち込む)- to feel depressed
イライラする- to be irritated
ぼーっとする- to be distracted
うちゅう (宇宙)- universe
うれしい- pleased
でる (出る)- to attend
まちがえる- to make a mistake
とまる (止まる)- to stop
たたかう (戦う)- to fight
ちがう (違う)- to differ
ほんやく (翻訳)- translation
つうやく (通訳)- interpreter, interpreting
しつもん (質問)- question