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Learn JLPT N1 Grammar: ところを (tokoro o)

Learn JLPT N1 Grammar: ところを (tokoro o)

Meaning: although (it is a certain time/condition); even though normally

How to use the:
Noun + の ところを
Verb (casual) + ところを
いadj + ところを
なadj + なところを

Used in the case at the time, when that happened / happened

Example sentences:
1, ご多忙のところを、よくきてくださいました。
go tabō no tokoro o, yoku kite kudasaimashita.
In the midst of such a busy time, he too came to give

2, お取り込み中のところを失礼します。
otorikomichū no tokoro o shitsureishimasu.
Sorry to disturb you when you’re confused

3, お休み中のところをお電話してすみませんでした。
oyasumichū no tokoro o o denwa shite sumimasendeshita.
I’m sorry to call you while you were resting

4, いつもは電車で会社に行くところを、今日は車で行った。
itsumo wa densha de kaisha ni iku tokoro o, kyou wa kuruma de itta.
Although I normally go to work by train, today I went by car.