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Minna No Nihongo Lesson 30 Grammar

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 30 Grammar

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 30 Grammar

  1. V-formあります

Vて-formあります indicates the state which results as a consequence of an action intentionally done by somebody. The verbs used here are transitive verbs that express intentions.

1) N1 にN2 がVて-form あります


There is a memo put on the desk.


This month’s schedule is written on the calendar.

In (*), it is indicated that someone put a memo on the desk (for later use) and as a result the memo exists as it was put. (**) indicates that someone wrote this month’s schedule on the calendar (so as not to forget it) and as a result the schedule is written on the calendar.

2) N2は N1 Vて-formあります

This sentence pattern is used when N2 in sentence pattern 1) is taken up as a topic.



Where is the memo?

It’s been put on the desk.


This month’s schedule has been written on the calendar.

3) Vて-formあります is used to express the state of the result of what somebody did for some purpose. So it can also express, as in (i) and (ii), that some preparation has been done. It is often used with もう.


I have already bought the present for her birthday. (i)


I have already reserved a hotel. (ii)

[Note] The difference between Vて-form いますand Vて-form あります


The window is closed. (x)


The window has been closed (for some purpose). (y)

(x) simply describes the state that the window is closed, while (y) implies that somebody (it could be the speaker himself) closed the window with some objective or intention in mind. Most verbs used in Vて-form いますare intransitive, while verbs used in Vて-formあります are transitive.

  1. Vて-form おきます

This sentence pattern means:

1) Completion of a necessary action by a given time


I’ll buy a ticket before the trip.



What should I do before the next meeting?

Read these materials.

2) Completion of a necessary action in readiness for the next use or the next step.


When you finish using the scissors, put them back where they were.

30) Keeping the resultant state as it is.


Please leave the chairs as they are because a meeting will be held here tomorrow.

  1. まだV (affirmative) still V


It’s still raining.



Shall I put away the tools?

No, leave them there. I’m still using them.

まだabove means “as yet” or “still” and indicates that the action or the state is continuing.

  1. それは~



I’d like to see a musical on Broadway…

That sounds nice.



I will be transferred to the Osaka head office next month.




Sometimes I have pains in my stomach and head.

That’s bad.

それabove refers to what is stated just before.

