Minna No Nihongo Lesson 13 Grammar
1. Nが欲しいです
This sentence pattern is used to express the speaker’s desire to possess or have an object. It can also be used to ask what the listener wants. The object is marked with the particle が. ほしい is an い- adjective.
わたしは友達が欲しいです。 I want a friend.
今何が一番欲しいですか。What do you want most now?
車が欲しいです. ….I want a car most.
子どもが欲しいですか。 Do you want a child?
いいえ、欲しくないです。…No, I don’t
2. V ます-form たいです.
1)Verb ます-form
The form of a verb when it is used with ます is called the ます form. In the word かいます かい is the ます form.
2) V ますform たいです
This expresses the speaker’s desire to do something. It is also used to ask what the listener wants to do. In this expression, as is seen in the example below , the particle が can replace the particle を。The other particles cannot be replaced by がVますform-たい inflects as an い-adjective.
わたしは沖縄へ行きたいです。I want to go to Okinawa
わたしはてんぷらを(が)食べたいです。I want to eat tempura
神戸で何を(が)買いたいですか。What do you want to buy in Kobe.
靴を(が)買いたいです。I want to by a pair of shoes
お腹が痛いですから、何も食べたくないです。Because I have a stomachache, I don’t want to eat anything.
[Note 1] ほしいです or たいです cannot be used to describe the third person’s desire. [Note 2] You can neither use ほしいですか nor ます-form たいですか when you offer something or invite someone to do something. For example, when you offer a cup of coffee ( or invite the listener to have a cup of coffee), you should not say, コーヒーを飲みたいですか。Expressions such as コーヒーはいかがですか or コーヒーを飲みませんか should be used.3. N(place) へ Vます-form/ N に 行きます/来ます/帰ります。
The purpose for 行きます/来ます/帰ります is expessed using this pattern. The purpose is marked with the particle に . A noun used before に is of the kind of denoting an action.
神戸へインド料理を食べに行きます。I’m going to Kobe to eat Indian food.
神戸へ買い物に行きます。I’m going to Kobe for shopping.
日本へ美術の勉強に来ました。I came to Japan in order to study art.
[Note] You can also use nouns denoting events such as festivals and concerts before に. In this case , the speaker’s purpose is to see or enjoy the event.あした京都のお祭りに行きます。
I’ll go to the festical in Kyoto tomorrow.
4. NにV/NをV
The particle にmarks the goal when used with verbs like はいります、のります、etc. The particle を marks the starting point or place when used with verbs like でます、おります, etc.
あの喫茶店に入りましょう。Let’s go in that coffee shop.
7時にうちを出ます。I leave my house at 7 o’clock.
5. どこか / 何か
どこか means anywhere or somewhere. 何か means anything or something. The particles へ and を can me omitted.
Did you go anywhere in the winter vacation?
…Yes, I did.
I’m thirsty. I want to drink something.
6. ご注文
ご is a prefix added to some words to express respect.
ご注文は? May I have your order?