Home / Minna no Nihongo / Minna No Nihongo Lesson 13 Grammar – Part 2

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 13 Grammar – Part 2

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 13 Grammar – Part 2

Grammar part 2

3. N(place) へ Vます-form/ N に 行きます/来ます/帰ります。(Ikimasu/kimasu/kaerimasu)

The purpose for 行きます/来ます/帰ります is expessed using this pattern. The purpose is marked with the particle に . A noun used before に is of the kind of denoting an action.

神戸へインド りょうり を 食べ に 行きます。
koube e indo ryouri wo tabe ni ikimasu.
I’m going to Kobe to eat Indian food.

koube e kaimono ni ikimasu.
I’m going to Kobe for shopping.

日本へ びじゅつ の勉強に来ました。
nihon e bihutsu no benkyou ni kimashita.
I came to Japan in order to study art.

[Note] You can also use nouns denoting events such as festivals and concerts before に. In this case , the speaker’s purpose is to see or enjoy the event.

あした京都 の おまつり に 行きます。
ashita kyouto no omatsuri ni ikimasu.
I’ll go to the festical in Kyoto tomorrow.

4. Noun に Verb/Noun を Verb

The particle にmarks the goal when used with verbs like はいります、のります、etc. The particle を marks the starting point or place when used with verbs like でます、おります, etc.

あの きっさてん に はいりましょう。
ano kissaten ni kairimashou.
Let’s go in that coffee shop.

7時にうちを でます。
shichi ji ni uchi wo demasu.
I leave my house at 7 o’clock.

5. どこか / 何か dokoka?/ nanika?
どこか = means anywhere or somewhere.
何か = means anything or something.

The particles へ and を can me omitted.

fuyuyasumi wa dokaka ikimashitaka?
Did you go anywhere in the winter vacation?

…hai, ikimashita.
…Yes, I did.

nodo ga kawashimashitakara nanika nomitai desu.
I’m thirsty. I want to drink something.

6. ご注文 / ごちゅうもん(gochuumon)
ご is a prefix added to some words to express respect.

go chuumon wa?
May I have your order?