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JLPT N4 Reading Practice – Day 6 (with Answers & Vocabulary )

JLPT N4 Reading Practice – Day 6 (with Answers & Vocabulary )




便り (たより) : Letters; news
免許証 (めんきょしょう) : License
図書券 (としょけん ) : Book vouchers
同封 (どうふう) : Send with
郵便 (ゆうびん) : Delivery service

First time mailing to you. I’m Nogawa who lost his driving license the other day and was sent return by you. I am writing this letter because I want to express my sincere thanks for your kindness. Actually, about 3 days after I dropped it, that is, yesterday morning, I just realized that I have lost my driver’s license, just in a hurry to go to the police, I received a letter with a driver’s license from Nakayama friend. . I was supposed to come visit and say thank you, but to only send like this, I’m so rude.
In addition, I have attached in the letter a voucher for the book, although it is small, please consider it as my thank you. I hope you can buy the book you like.

What is this letter of thanks written for?
1. For having bought a book coupon and sent it to the writer.
2. For having bought a favorite book and sent it to the writer.
3. For sending the driver’s license to the police station for the writer.
4. For having picked up the driver’s license and sent it to the writer.

Answers: 4


I’m Nogawa who lost his driving license the other day and was sent return by you. I am writing this letter to express my sincere thanks for your kindness.