Japanese Particles: を (o)
The particle を “o” (or “wo) marks the direct object of a verb. There is no counterpart for を “o” in English. However, in English, the direct object usually comes right after the verb.
In Japanese, を always comes right after the direct object in a sentence, followed by a verb at the end.
すしを食べました。(sushi O tabemashita) – (I) ate sushi.
すし“sushi” is the direct object in this sentence.
本を読みます。(hon O yomimasu) – (I) read books.
本 “Books” is the direct object in this sentence.
水を飲みます。(mizu O nomimasu) – (I) drink water.
水 “Water” is the direct object in this sentence.
The particle を also marks items that cannot easily be thought of as direct objects, such as locations, and occupations (when expressed by the verb する (suru) – to do).
この道をまっすぐ行ってください。(kono michi O massugu itte kudasai) – Go straight on this street, please.
家を出ました。(uchi O demashita) – (I) left home.
車を降りました。(kuruma O orimashita) – (I) got off the car.
兄は教師をしています。(ani wa kyoushi O shiteimasu) – My older brother is a teacher.