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Japanese Lesson 44 Vocabulary

Japanese Lesson 44 Vocabulary
Learn Basic Japanese. Basic Japanese Vocabulary

かんこうきゃく (観光客)- tourist
ばいてん (売店)- stall, kiosk
じこく (時刻)- time
うら (裏)- back side
あっというま (あっという間)- in the blink of an eye, all too soon
はんとし (半年)- 6 months
やくそく (約束)- promise
まんなか (真ん中)- median, centre
したがって (従って)- consequently, thus
むかう (向かう)- to face, to go towards
ゆうしょく (夕食)- dinner
かかりいん (係員)- person in charge
だいがくいん (大学院)- postgraduate school