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Japanese Lesson 37 Vocabulary

Japanese Lesson 37 Vocabulary
Learn Basic Japanese. Basic Japanese Vocabulary

ころぶ (転ぶ)- to trip over, fall to the ground
ふだん (普段)- usually, regularly
きそく (規則)- rules
まもる (守る)- to protect, to respect
ひどい- terrible
まるい (丸い)- round, spherical
たいくつ (退屈)- boring, bored
たまに- occasionally
しま (島)- island
みつける (見つける)- to discover
もどる (戻る)- to return
ちょうど- exactly
ぜったいに (絶対に)- definitely, certainly
ちゃんと- properly
だいとうりょう (大統領)- President (of a country)
しゅしょう (首相)- Prime Minister
うまれる (生まれる)- to be born
ゆか (床)- floor