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Japanese Lesson 25 Vocabulary

Japanese Lesson 25 Vocabulary
Learn Basic Japanese. Basic Japanese Vocabulary

とくに (特に)- in particular
しょくりょう (食料)- food (as in supplies)
ポケット- pocket
たのむ (頼む)- to ask, request
かじ (火事)- fire
すてる (捨てる)- to throw away
ことわる (断る)- to refuse
せき (咳)- cough
じこ (事故)- accident
おくれる (遅れる)- to be late
かぜをひく (風邪を引く)- to catch a cold
でんわばんごう (電話番号)- telephone number
おたがい (お互い)- each other
ためる (貯める)- to save
ちょきん (貯金)- savings
ようじ (用事)- errand
なおる (治る)- to be cured
おきる (起きる)- to get up
むり (無理)- impossible