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Japanese Lesson 24 Vocabulary

Japanese Lesson 24 Vocabulary
Learn Basic Japanese. Basic Japanese Vocabulary

たずねる (訪ねる)- to visit
しょっき (食器)- dishes, tableware
だいどころ (台所)- kitchen
まにあう (間に合う)- to be in time for
そつぎょう (卒業)- graduation
らく (楽)- easy, relaxing
いつでも- anytime
でんきせいひん (電気製品)- electrical goods
しんがた (新型)- new model
ずっと- throughout, all along
ふえる (増える)- to increase
へる (減る)- to decrease
なやみ (悩み)- distress, suffering
おねがい (お願い)- favor
いそぎ (急ぎ)- urgent matter
いいわけ (言い訳)- excuse
ふくざつ (複雑)- complicated
へん (変)- strange
きぶん (気分)- mood, feeling