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Japanese Lesson 22 Vocabulary

Japanese Lesson 22 Vocabulary
Learn Basic Japanese. Basic Japanese Vocabulary

どんどん- by and by, quickly, rapidly
たとえば (例えば)- for example
でんち (電池)- battery
しろくろ (白黒)- black and white
カラー- colour
しき (〜式)- style
おりたたむ (折りたたむ)- to fold
ひさしぶり (久しぶり)- after a long time
ベル- bell
きょうかい (教会)- church
はし (橋)- bridge
かいだん (階段)- stairs
たてもの (建物)- building
まっすぐいく (まっすぐ行く)- go straight
まがる (曲がる)- to turn
わたる (渡る)- to cross
いりぐち (入口)- entrance
おてあらい (お手洗い)- toilet, bathroom
でぐち (出口)- exit
やせる- to lose weight