Japanese Business Vocabulary
Essential Business Japanese: Learn the Most Useful Phrases
Learning Business Japanese as a Beginner.
No. | Kanji | Hiragana/ Katakana | Meaning |
1 | 賃金 | ちんぎん | wages |
2 | 年金 | ねんきん | pension |
3 | 投資 | とうし | investment |
4 | 企業 | きぎょう | company |
5 | 大企業 | だいきぎょう | large sized company or enterprise |
6 | 中小企業 | ちゅうしょうきぎょう | small or medium-sized company |
7 | 物価 | ぶっか | (commodity) prices |
8 | 株価 | かぶか | stock price |
9 | 価格 | かかく | price |
10 | 上昇 | じょうしょう | increase |
11 | 低下 | ていか | fall, drop (of a price, etc.) |
12 | 下落 | げらく | fall, drop (of a price, etc.) |
13 | 暴落 | ぼうらく | sudden drop (of a price, etc.) |
14 | 石油 | せきゆ | oil |
15 | 原油 | げんゆ | crude oil |
16 | 市場 | しじょう | market |
17 | 輸出 | ゆしゅつ | export |
18 | 輸入 | ゆにゅう | import |
19 | 交渉 | こうしょう | negotiation |
20 | 懸念 | けねん | worry, concern |
21 | 需要 | じゅよう | demand |
22 | 供給 | きょうきゅう | supply |
23 | 農業 | のうぎょう | farm |
24 | 農家 | のうか | farmer |
25 | 国家 | こっか | nation or country |
26 | 関税 | かんぜい | customs duty, tariff |
27 | 税金 | ぜいきん | tax |
28 | 自治体 | じちたい | self-governing organization or government |
29 | 地方 | ちほう | region |
30 | 見込み | みこみ | hope, promise (as in a strategy with promise) |
31 | 作戦 | さくせん | strategy |
32 | 選挙 | せんきょ | election |
33 | 政治家 | せいじか | politician |
34 | 政府 | せいふ | government |
35 | 経済 | けいざい | economy |
36 | 財政 | ざいせい | finance |
37 | インフレ | inflation (as in overall increase in prices in a country) | |
38 | デフレ | deflation (reverse of inflation) | |
39 | 円高 | えんだか | Strong yen (when the yen is higher than other currencies such as the dollar) |
40 | 円安 | えんやす | Weak yen |
41 | 所得 | しょとく | income |
42 | 富裕層 | ふゆうそう | the wealthy, or group of people with high net worth |
43 | 国内 | こくない | internal to the country in question |
44 | 海外 | かいがい | external to the country in question (overseas) |
45 | 工場 | こうじょう | factory |
46 | 生産 | せいさん | production |
47 | 付加価値 | ふかかち | added or unique value |
48 | 機構 | きこう | system or organization |
49 | 高齢化社会 | こうれいかしゃかい | “aging society”, where a low birthrate causes an imbalance between younger and older people. |
50 | 情報 | じょうほう | information |
51 | 不況 | ふきょう | (economic) depression |
52 | 指標 | しよう | (economic) indicator |
53 | 平均 | へいきん | average |
54 | 土地 | とち | plot of land; soil; land (which has or can have a building) |
55 | 国債 | こくさい | government bond |
56 | 権限 | けんげん | authority, power |
57 | 投資信託 | とうししんたく | mutual fund |
58 | 株 | かぶ | stock |
59 | 銀行 | ぎんこう | bank |
60 | 倒産 | とうさん | bankrupt |
61 | 赤字 | あかじ | (budget) deficit, “in the red” |
62 | 黒字 | くろじ | (budget) surplus |
63 | 創業 | そうぎょう | establishment of a business |
64 | 組織 | そしき | organization |
65 | 陰謀 | いんぼう | conspiracy |
66 | 産業 | さんぎょう | an industry |
67 | 生産性 | せいさんせい | productivity |
68 | 資産 | しさん | assets, property, (ones) fortune |
69 | 負債 | ふさい | debt, liabilities |
70 | 予算 | よさん | budget |
71 | 支援 | しえん | aid, support |
72 | 追い風 | おいかぜ | favorable wind (used to refer to an economic or business advantage) |
73 | 傾向 | けいこう | tendency |
74 | 消費 | しょうひ | consumption |
75 | 消費者 | しょうひしゃ | consumer |
76 | 年齢 | ねんれい | age |
77 | 安定 | あんてい | stability |
78 | プラスになる | to be an advantage or merit | |
79 | 国民 | こくみん | a nation or people of a nation |
80 | 途上国 | とじょうこく | developing nation |
81 | 貧困の差 | ひんこんのさ | gap between the rich and the poor |
82 | 再生可能 | さいせいかのう | renewable |
83 | 議論 | ぎろん | debate |
84 | 情勢 | じょうせい | situation |
85 | 状況 | じょうきょう | situation |
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