Learn JLPT N3 Grammar: 中 (chuu/juu)
Meaning: during; at some point; throughout
How to use: Noun + 中/ ちゅう/ じゅう
When 中 is attached to some Nouns it’s pronounced as “chuu” while to others it’s pronounced as “juu.” There’s no specific rule so you’ll need to learn by heart.
When attached to some certain Nouns, 中 can be pronounced as both chuu and juu. For example:
世界中 (sekaichuu/seikaijuu): around the world
年中 (nenchuu/nenjuu): whole year, all year round
Example sentences:
1. 午前中がいちばん調子がいいです。
gozen chuu ga ichiban choushi ga ii desu.
During the morning is the best.
2. この事件に関しては、ただいま確認中でございます。
kono jiken ni kanshite wa, tadaima kakuninchuu degozaimasu.
We are currently checking this case.
3. 十五歳のとき、サッカーの練習中にひどい腹痛に襲われた。
juugosai no toki, sakkaa no renshuuchuu ni hidoi fukutsuu ni osowareta.
When I was fifteen, I felt a sharp abdominal pain during a soccer practice.
4. 十五歳のとき、サッカーの練習中にひどい腹痛に襲われた。
juugosai no toki, sakkaa no renshuuchuu ni hidoi fukutsuu ni osowareta.
When I was fifteen, I felt a sharp abdominal pain during a soccer practice.