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Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 15

Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 15
Japanese Phrases for Beginners

Kanji Hiragana/ Katakana Meaning
しん core, heart, wick, marrow
花嫁 はなよめ bride
花火 はなび  fireworks
芸能 げいのう  public entertainment, accomplishments, attainments
若々しい わかわかしい youthful, young
苦心 くしん pain, trouble
苦情 くじょう complaint, troubles, objection
英文 えいぶん sentence in English
茂る しげる to grow thick, to luxuriate, to be luxurious
茶碗 ちゃわん rice bowl, tea cup, teacup
草履 ぞうり  zoori (Japanese footwear), sandals
荒い あらい rough, rude, wild
落し物 おとしもの lost property
落着く おちつく to calm down, to settle down
落第 らくだい failure, dropping out of a class
著す あらわす to write, to publish
葬式 そうしき funeral
蒔く まく to sow (seeds)
蒸し暑い むしあつい humid, sultry
蒸す むす to steam, to poultice, to be sultry
蒸気 じょうき steam, vapour
蒸発 じょうはつ evaporation, unexplained disappearance
蓄える たくわえる to store, to lay in stock
ふた  cover, lid, cap
蕎麦 そば soba (buckwheat noodles)
薄める うすめる to dilute, to water down
薄暗い うすぐらい dim, gloomy
薬品 やくひん medicine(s), chemical(s)
薬局 やっきょく pharmacy, drugstore
薬指 くすりゆび ring finger
薬缶 やかん kettle
蘇る よみがえる to be revived, to be resuscitated, to be rehabilitated
にじ rainbow
蛇口 じゃぐち faucet, tap
蛍光灯 けいこうとう  fluorescent lamp, person who is slow to react
蝋燭 ろうそく candle
血圧 けつあつ blood pressure
血液 けつえき blood
行事 ぎょうじ event, function
行列 ぎょうれつ (1) line, procession, (2) matrix (math)
街角 まちかど street corner
衣食住 いしょくじゅう necessities of life (food, clothing, etc.)
表紙 ひょうし front cover, binding
被せる かぶせる to cover (with something)
裁縫 さいほう sewing
裂く さく  to tear, to split
裏口 うらぐち backdoor, rear entrance
裏返す うらがえす to turn inside out, to turn (something) over
補う おぎなう  to compensate for
製作 せいさく manufacture, production
複写 ふくしゃ copy, duplicate
複数 ふくすう plural, multiple
ふすま sliding screen
西暦 せいれき Christian Era, anno domini (A.D.)
要旨 ようし  gist, essentials, summary, fundamentals
要領 ようりょう point, gist, essentials, outline
見下ろす みおろす to overlook, to command a view of, to look down on something
見付かる みつかる to be found, to be discovered
見付ける みつける to be familiar, to discover, to detect
見出し みだし heading, caption, subtitle, index
見学 けんがく inspection, study by observation, field trip
見慣れる みなれる to become used to seeing, to be familiar with
見掛け みかけ outward appearance
見本 みほん sample
見直す みなおす  to look again, to get a better opinion of
見舞う みまう to ask after (health), to visit
見送る みおくる (1) to see off, to farewell, (2) to escort, (3) to let pass
規律 きりつ order, rules, law
規準 きじゅん standard, basis, criteria, norm
覗く のぞく to peep in, to look in, to peek in, to stick out
親指 おやゆび  thumb
親類 しんるい  relation, kin
観念 かんねん  (1) idea, notion, conception, (2) sense (e.g. of duty)
観測 かんそく  observation
角度 かくど angle
解放 かいほう release, liberation, emancipation
解散 かいさん  breakup, dissolution
解答 かいとう answer, solution
解説 かいせつ explanation, commentary
言い付ける いいつける to tell, to tell on (someone), to order
言い出す いいだす to start talking, to speak, to tell, to propose, to suggest, to break the ice
言付ける ことづける to send word, to send a message
言葉遣い ことばづかい speech, expression, wording
討つ うつ to attack, to avenge
記号 きごう symbol, code
訳す やくす to translate
診る みる to examine (medical)
診断 しんだん diagnosis
評論 ひょうろん criticism, critique
詫びる わびる to apologize
詰まる つまる to be blocked, to be packed
話し掛ける はなしかける to accost a person, to talk (to someone)
話中 はなしちゅう while talking, the line is busy
話合い はなしあい discussion, conference
誓う ちかう  to swear, to vow, to take an oath, to pledge
課程 かてい course, curriculum
課税 かぜい  taxation
調味料 ちょうみりょう condiment, seasoning
調整 ちょうせい  regulation, adjustment, tuning
調節 ちょうせつ regulation, adjustment, control
請う こう to ask, to request
論ずる ろんずる to argue, to discuss, to debate
謎謎 なぞなぞ riddle, puzzle, enigma
謙虚 けんきょ modesty, humility
謙遜 けんそん humble, humility, modesty
講師 こうし lecturer
警備 けいび defense, guard, policing, security
かい shell, shellfish
貨物 かもつ cargo, freight
貯蔵 ちょぞう storage, preservation
貸し出し かしだし lending, loaning
貸家 かしや house for rent
貸間 かしま room to let
資料 しりょう materials, data
賞品 しょうひん prize, trophy
賞金 しょうきん prize, monetary award
赤道 せきどう equator
起床 きしょう rising, getting out of bed
超える こえる to exceed, to cross over, to cross
超す こす to cross, to pass, to tide over
超過 ちょうか excess, being more than
足る たる to be sufficient, to be enough
足袋 たび tabi, Japanese socks (with split toe)
足跡 あしあと footprints
跳ねる はねる  to jump, to leap
跳ぶ とぶ to jump, to fly, to leap
踏切 ふみきり railway crossing, level crossing, starting line, scratch, crossover
蹴る ける to kick
身分 みぶん social position, social status
車庫 しゃこ garage, car shed
車掌 しゃしょう (train) conductor
車輪 しゃりん  (car) wheel

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