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Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 11

Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 11
Japanese Phrases for Beginners

Kanji Hiragana/ Katakana Meaning
挿す さす to insert, to put in, to graft, to wear in belt
捕える とらえる to seize, to grasp, to capture, to arrest
捕る とる to take, to catch (fish), to capture
捜す さがす to search, to seek, to look for
捩る ねじる to twist
捻る ひねる to turn (a switch) on or off, to twist, to puzzle over
掃く はく to sweep, to brush, to gather up
掏摸 すり pickpocket
掘る ほる to dig, to excavate
掛け算 かけざん multiplication
採る とる  (1) to adopt (measure, proposal), (2) to pick (fruit)
採点 さいてん marking, grading, looking over
探る さぐる to search, to look for, to sound out
接する せっする  to come in contact with, to connect, to attend, to receive
接続 せつぞく  (1) connection, union, join, link, (2) changing trains
接近 せっきん  getting closer, drawing nearer, approaching
推定 すいてい presumption, assumption, estimation
掻く かく to scratch, to perspire
揃う そろう to become complete, to be equal, to be all present, to gather
揃える そろえる to put things in order, to arrange, to make uniform
揉む もむ to rub, to crumple (up), to wrinkle
揚げる あげる to lift, to fry
換気 かんき ventilation
損得 そんとく loss and gain, advantage and disadvantage
摩擦 まさつ friction, rubbing, rubdown, chafe
撒く まく to scatter, to sprinkle, to sow
撫でる なでる to brush gently, to stroke
撮影 さつえい photographing
擦る こする to rub, to chafe, to file, to frost (glass), to strike (match)
改めて あらためて another time, again, over again, anew, formally
改める あらためる to change, to alter, to reform, to revise
改札 かいさつ examination of tickets
改正 かいせい revision, amendment, alteration
改造 かいぞう (1) remodeling, (2) modding (comp)
攻める せめる to attack, to assault
放る ほうる to let go
放れる はなれる to leave, to get free, to cut oneself off
政党 せいとう (member of) political party
教わる おそわる to be taught
教養 きょうよう culture, education, refinement, cultivation
散らかす ちらかす to scatter around, to leave untidy
散らかる ちらかる to be in disorder, to lie scattered around
散らす ちらす to scatter, to disperse, to distribute
散る ちる to fall, to scatter (e.g. blossoms)
敬う うやまう to show respect, to honour
敬語 けいご honorific, term of respect
整う ととのう to be prepared, to be in order, to be put in order, to be arranged
整備 せいび adjustment, completion, consolidation
整数 せいすう integer
敷く しく to spread out, to lay out
敷地 しきち site
文体 ぶんたい literary style
文房具 ぶんぼうぐ stationery
文献 ぶんけん literature, books (reference)
文脈 ぶんみゃく context
文芸 ぶんげい literature, art and literature, belles-lettres
はす diagonal
斜め ななめ obliqueness
斬る きる to behead, to murder
断定 だんてい conclusion, decision
断水 だんすい water outage
新幹線 しんかんせん bullet train (very high speed), shinkansen
方程式 ほうていしき equation
方角 ほうがく direction, way, compass point
方言 ほうげん dialect
方針 ほうしん objective, plan, policy
方面 ほうめん direction, district, field (e.g., of study)
日の入り ひのいり sunset
日の出 ひので  sunrise
日帰り ひがえり day trip
日当たり ひあたり exposure to the sun, sunny place
日日 ひにち every day, daily, day after day
日時 にちじ date and time
日用品 にちようひん daily necessities
日程 にってい agenda
日課 にっか daily lesson, daily work, daily routine
日陰 ひかげ shadow
早口 はやくち fast-talking
早速 さっそく at once, immediately, without delay, promptly
明き あき room, time to spare, emptiness
明け方 あけがた dawn
映す うつす to project, to reflect, to cast (shadow)
映る うつる to be reflected, to harmonize with, to come out (photo)
昼寝 ひるね nap (at home), siesta
時速 じそく speed (per hour)
時間割 じかんわり timetable, schedule
普及 ふきゅう diffusion, spread
暖まる あたたまる to warm up, to get warm
暖める あたためる to warm, to heat
暴れる あばれる to act violently, to rage, to struggle, to be riotous
曲げる まげる to bend, to crook, to lean
曲線 きょくせん curve
更ける ふける to get late, to advance, to wear on
書取 かきとり dictation
書店 しょてん bookshop
書留 かきとめ writing down, putting on record, making a note of, registration (of mail)
書籍 しょせき book, publication
書道 しょどう calligraphy
月日 つきひ time, years, days
月末 げつまつ end of the month
月給 げっきゅう monthly salary
有料 ゆうりょう admission-paid, toll
有無 うむ  yes or no, existence, flag indicator (comp), presence or absence marker
有難い ありがたい grateful, thankful, welcome, appreciated, evoking gratitude
朗らか ほがらか brightness, cheerfulness, melodious
望遠鏡 ぼうえんきょう telescope
期限 きげん term, period
木材 もくざい lumber, timber, wood
未満 みまん less than, insufficient
末っ子 すえっこ youngest child
本来 ほんらい essentially, naturally, by nature
本部 ほんぶ headquarters
すぎ Japanese cedar
材木 ざいもく lumber, timber
来日 らいにち arrival in Japan, coming to Japan, visit to Japan
東洋 とうよう Orient
東西 とうざい East and West, whole country
まくら pillow, bolster
枚数 まいすう the number of flat things
果して はたして as was expected, really
果実 かじつ fruit, nut, berry
枯れる かれる to wither, to die (plant), to be blasted (plant)
架空 かくう aerial, overhead, fiction, fanciful
せん stopper, cork, stopcock
校庭 こうてい campus
校舎 こうしゃ school building
格別 かくべつ exceptional
けた column, beam, digit
案外 あんがい unexpectedly
梯子 はしご ladder, stairs
棄てる すてる to throw away; to cast away; to dump; to discard
森林 しんりん forest, woods
わん Japanese soup bowl, wooden bowl
植木 うえき garden shrubs, trees, potted plant
楕円 だえん ellipse
楽器 がっき musical instrument
概論 がいろん intro, outline, general remarks
構造 こうぞう  structure, construction

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