Home / Vocabulary / 1000 Most Common Japanese Words – Part 6

1000 Most Common Japanese Words – Part 6

1000 Most Common Japanese Words – Part 6

501. 氏名 (shimei) : full name

502. 今夜 (konya) : tonight, this evening

503. 夜中 (yonaka) : midnight

504. 来週 (raishuu) : next week

505. 誰か (dareka) : someone

506. 何 (nan) : what. それはなんですか. What is that?

507. 今朝 (kesa) : this morning

508. 寿司 (sushi) : sushi

509. 履く (haku) : put on (shoes), wear (pants, skirt)

510. おじさん (ojisan) : uncle

511. おばさん (obasan) : aunt

512. お祖母さん (obaasan) : grandmother (colloquial)

513. いとこ (itoko) : cousin

514. 辞書 (jisho) : dictionary (category)

515. 朝ご飯 (asagohan) : breakfast

516. 白 (shiro) : white

517. どっち (docchi) : which (casual)

518. そっち (socchi) : there (casual)

519. 明日 (ashita) : tomorrow (colloquial)

520. 明後日 (myougonichi/asatte) : day after tomorrow (colloquial)

521. 一昨日 (ototoi) : the day before yesterday (colloquial)

522. 庭 (niwa) : garden, yard

523. 左側 (hidarigawa) : left side

524. 右側 (migigawa) : right side

525. 指 (yubi) : finger, toe

526. 眼鏡 (megane) : glasses

527. 鞄 (kaban) : bag, handbag

528. あっち (acchi) : other side, over there (casual)

529. 大人しい (otonashii) : gentle, quiet

530. 下手 (heta) : not good at

531. 厳しい (kibishii) : strict, severe

532. 一人で (hitoride) : by oneself, alone

533. 答え (kotae) : answer, solution

534. この頃 (konogoro) : these days, recently

535. 残念 (zannen) : regretful, disappointing

536. 仕舞う (shimau) : put away, put in

537. 心配 (shinpai) : anxiety, worry

538. 外 (soto) : outside, open air

539. 大切 (taisetsu) : important, valuable

540. ちょうど (choudo) : just, exactly

541. 助ける (tasukeru) : help, save

542. 勤める (tsutomeru) : serve, hold a job

543. 連れていく (tsureteiku) : take along, bring along (a person)

544. 丈夫 (joubu) : healthy, sturdy

545. 賑やか (nigiyaka) : lively, exciting

546. 眠い (nemui) : sleepy

547. 山 (yama) : mountain

548. 橋 (hashi) : bridge

549. 止まる (tomaru) : come to a stop, cease

550. 降る (furu) : fall, come down (rain, snow, etc.)

551. 本当 (hontou) : reality, genuine

552. 町 (machi) : town, city

553. お菓子 (okashi) : sweets, snacks

554. 緩い (yurui) : slack, loose

555. 良い (yoi) : good (formal/written form)

556. ようこそ (youkoso) : welcome (greeting)

557. お土産 (omiyage) : souvenir (polite)

558. 両親 (ryoushin) : parents

559. ウェーター (we-ta-) : waiter

560. ウェートレス (we-toresu) : waitress

561. 絶対に (zettaini) : absolutely, definitely

562. ごちそう (gochisou) : feast, treat

563. フォーク (fo-ku) : fork

564. スプーン (supu-n) : spoon

565. 瓶 (bin) : bottle

566. つく (tsuku) : be on, be switched on

567. 醤油 (shouyu) : soy sauce

568. 茶碗 (chawan) : rice bowl

569. 決める (kimeru) : decide, agree upon

570. 感じる (kanjiru) : feel, sense

571. 生きる (ikiru) : live (one’s life)

572. 動かす (ugokasu) : move (something)

573. 壊れる (kowareru) : break, break down

574. 復習 (fukushuu) : review

575. 眉 (mayu) : eyebrow

576. 客 (kyaku) : visitor, customer

577. 机 (tsukue) : desk

578. 風呂 (furo) : bath

579. 湯 (yu) : hot water

580. ぬるい (nurui) : tepid, lukewarm

581. 風邪薬 (kazegusuri) : cold medicine

582. 靴下 (kutsushita) : socks

583. タバコ (tabako) : tobacco, cigarette

584. アイスコーヒー (aisuko-hi-) : iced coffee

585. 天ぷら (tempura) : Japanese deep-fried food

586. 肉 (niku) : flesh, meat

587. 昨夜 (sakuya) : last night, last evening (colloquial)

588. 流行る (hayaru) : be in fashion, be popular

589. 連れて来る (tsuretekuru) : bring (a person)

590. 方 (kata) : person (polite form)

591. 零 (rei) : zero

592. 雲 (kumo) : cloud

593. 空 (sora) : sky

594. 人気 (ninki) : popularity

595. 兄さん (niisan) : (one’s own) older brother (polite)

596. 姉さん (neesan) : (one’s own) older sister (polite)

597. 平成 (heisei) : Heisei era

598. 毎月 (maitsuki) : every month

599. 半日 (hannichi) : half a day

600. 半月 (hantsuki) : half a month